Essential Gears for Scuba Diving - FAQ

Have you decided to buy your own Scuba Gears? I have drawn up a list of the equipment for scuba diving!

Before starting my dive career, I always think what is Scuba and How do I performed it under water and what stuff should I carry during my dives? As such, I said to myself that it might be useful to draw up a list of all of the essential equipment for a good dive, and I wanted to share it with you.

Basic Scuba Diving Gears

First of all the listed equipment's are the most essentials and there is no concept of scuba diving without it.


The main thing that I envy about fish is that they can see under water. For our part, landlubbers that we are, we have to wear a mask. Whether the single window masks of 20 years ago or today's double window silicone masks, and even full-face masks, the principle is the same: Choosing your mask correctly is crucial. A mask that leaks, that isn't adjusted properly or that hurts will be sure to ruin your dive. I therefore suggest that before heading out, you should make sure that your mask (or the rental mask) is right for your face and is comfortable. To check, without the strap, place the mask against your face and breathe in deeply through your nose. If the mask stays in place with no air leaks, then water won't get in. A mask that you can then use with a traditional snorkel in order to breathe on the surface.


Wearing Scuba gears would increase more then 25 KG weight on your back as usual which could be not a problem in a dry land but its hard to carry underwater. Just kicking your feet won't be enough to go anywhere or to resist on a strong current. Here we can found the importance of diving fins! The fin's wide blade will increase the amount of water displaced and allow for movement with less effort. Two types of fins commonly introduced in Scuba Tech i,e full foot and adjustable fins which is available in the different kinds of sizes and colors with different types of brand and also neoprene socks for barefoot to save from freezing while temperature drop in water. Adjustable fins are well and cant be worn with rigid booties. I suggest that you can try both types of fins before choosing one, especially if your feet get cold easily.


Fishes are cold blooded creatures and they are not require any kind of protection beneath the sea but unfortunately when temperature get drops our efforts cause us to burn energy and have an influence on our body temperature. it's essential to have thermal protection on us to save us from discharging our energy faster than being cold. Depending on the water temperature and your own resistance, all kinds of solutions are available to you for the body, this will include a thermal top, a shorty wet suit or a full length wet suit. The wet suit's thickness will depend on you and your thermal comfort (thickness of 2 to 3 mm for warm water, dry suit for extreme conditions, etc.). Similarly, if your hands and feet tend to get cold then neoprene gloves will protect your hands from injuries in addition to protecting from the cold also. Booties of will insulate your feet and also keep you from having to walk barefoot on the boat. You can wear hood can always add layers of neoprene to tops for head protection.

Regulator and buoyancy control device


When I was a started to dive, I tried breathing underwater which is completely idiotic. I was quickly disabused of that motion and swallowed  some amount of water. Hence I need a breathing system while driving. As I understood by now, this is going to mean a tank and regulator. To which we can add the buoyancy control device (or BCD) that helps to carry the weight of the tank and provides buoyancy, as well as measurement devices for monitoring our remaining air (analogue /digital pressure gauge). It's hard to forget this part of the equipment and I still suggest that you always check repeatedly during the dive  that everything is correctly connected and properly works. It's always easier to handle a connector on the surface than it is underwater. As such, be sure to check that your regulator's first stage is correctly threaded in to the tank valve and that your BCD is connected to the circuit with its hoses and also check for any leaks after these hoses get properly connected. Using your pressure gauge, also check that your tank has been filled to the right pressure.

Don't do if its not safe!

There's no way to get around it, diving can be a very dangerous sport. Whether due to physical phenomena (decompression, etc.), dangers on the surface or natural hazards, we're exposed to many possible accidents. As such, it's important to carry certain items that can literally save your life.

A Dive Computer or a Diving Table

This is a mandatory and initial Item to purchase avoiding physiological risks with which we have to contend, aware the high pressure at depth. Breathing air at a constant pressure thanks to our regulator, Its need to remember decompression stops as essential. No deep diving without these safety stops.we face the risk of embolisms that can be fatal without these stops. Hence there is something that we need calculate our stops, Dive plan with the help of dive computer or by dive chart. These tables used to tell us which stops to make based on the duration and depth of the dive, whereas the computer automatically calculates everything on its own to avoid any kind of risk during the dive.

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